

ルォーアン チェンJuo An Chenコンサルタント



Originally from Taiwan, I came to Japan to pursue my bachelor degree at Waseda University. During my four-year study in Japan, I also exchanged to Denmark for a year to pursue further study in European Union. Having experience living in three different countries, I have developed my personality with a global mindset and enjoying interacting with people from various backgrounds. At leisure, I enjoy traveling and experiencing new cultures.Till now, I have been to more than 25 countries around the world. Along the way, I have gradually improved and optimized my ability to be resourceful and independent.



"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." Change might be difficult, but new environments and new careers are always necessary for personal growth. It is said that "the size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire;the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way." I believe that everyone has their ups and downs in life, however, from the time you meet me, I will be your partner/listener/supporter/friend throughout your ups and downs and towards your next success career.