



1. 個人情報の利用目的について


(1)派遣又はその他の形態での就業希望及び就業、職業紹介サービス利用にあたり、お預かりする個人情報 :氏名、連絡先情報(住所、電話番号、携帯電話番号、メールアドレス等)、生年月日、性別、履歴書、経歴書、スキルに関する情報、経験や学歴、その他関連情報(カバーレターに含まれる写真、面接の記録、個人情報など)、現在の報酬や雇用形態、法律上必要な場合マイナンバー・年金番号・雇用保険番号などの個人識別番号、募集登録関連の面接動画、登録用写真、銀行口座情報、給与・勤怠・評価関連情報等。車両情報(ナンバープレート、免許証情報、運転経歴等)。緊急連絡先・扶養情報など家族の情報。本人確認書類に関連する情報、防犯カメラ映像、施設のセキュリティ上取得する情報(氏名、連絡先、自動車のナンバープレート、身分証明書等)
  1. 登録手続き
  2. 採用選考、採用手続き
  3. 弊社が提供する各種サービスへのお申し込み・予約・諸手続き
  4. お仕事の紹介、キャンペーン・イベント・セミナーの案内、メルマガ配信業務
  5. 求人企業への情報提供
  6. 新たな人材サービス(派遣・紹介・その他)利用のご案内
  7. サービスの解約・解除手続き
  8. 弊社の提供するサービス向上のためのアンケート及びご意見の収集・分析管理
  9. 各種お問い合わせ、相談に対する回答及び対応、また対応履歴の登録情報への追加
  10. 労務管理・安全管理・福利厚生・研修等の手続き
  11. 国内・国際制裁法令その他法令・規制上の義務の遵守のための手続き、及び関係法令等に基づく必要な手続き
  12. 弊社のポリシー及び手順の遵守の監視・適正な実施
  13. 上記手続き・案内のための連絡及び資料等の発送
  14. 問い合わせやコミュニケーションの内容の正確な記録・確認、サービス品質向上への活用
  15. 下記の共同利用先における「共同して利用する者の利用目的」記載の利用目的

2. 個人情報のご提出について


3. 要配慮個人情報のご提出について


4. 個人情報の保護対策(安全管理のために講じた措置)について


  1. 取扱方法や担当者及びその任務等について内部規程の策定、定期的な見直しの実施
  2. 責任者及びその役職、漏えい等の報告連絡体制等組織体制の整備
  3. 定期的な自己点検、監査
  4. 従業者への定期的な研修の実施、秘密保持誓約及び就業規則への定め
  5. 外部からの不正アクセスから保護する仕組みの導入
  6. 入力情報の傍受、妨害または改ざんの防止のためのSSL(Secure Sockets Layer)技術の使用
  7. 外国で個人データを取り扱っている場合の外国の個人情報保護制度等の把握
  8. 個人データが記録された機器等の適切な廃棄、盗難防止のための管理
  9. 個人データ管理区域の入退室管理
  10. アクセス制御の範囲、アクセス者の認証

5. 個人情報の提供について


年齢、性別、最終学歴、職歴・経験職務、スキル、就業状況、希望条件、その他お仕事の紹介のために必要な情報 ※派遣就業のための情報提供については、業務遂行能力・スキルに関する情報に限り提供します。
    1. 氏名、緊急連絡先、住所、最寄り駅、年齢、性別、写真、シフトや就業状況、その他就業または弊社とクライアントとの契約履行において必要な情報
    2. 氏名、生年月日、年齢、性別、健康情報(健康診断・ストレスチェックの結果・勤務状況等)その他従業員の健康管理
    • 派遣先・就業先の、施設管理(入館証・施設利用誓約書・システム利用におけるID発行・名刺発行等)・安全衛生管理(緊急連絡網作成等)などに必要な情報提供を本人に代わって行うため
    • 就業状況管理(派遣先・就業先で使用するシフト表・名簿等)・請求処理(派遣先・就業先へ請求する交通費の請求根拠提示等)のため
    • 委託契約において、契約内容で定めがある場合の契約履行(業務責任者(チームリーダー)情報・就業者名簿・シフト表・身分確認・誓約書の提出等)のため
    • 従業員の健康診断の予約・実施のため
    • ストレスチェック・産業医面談実施のため
    • 上記各実施結果の管理のため
  1. 派遣先・就業先企業 ※提供に伴い、同一派遣先・就業先の弊社従業員間で閲覧される場合があります。
  2. 健康保険組合、健康診断実施医療機関、健康管理ツール及び当該ツールを通じて面談を行う産業医

  1. 法令に基づく場合(労働者派遣法に基づく相手先への通知等を含む)
  2. 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難である場合
  3. 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、ご本人の承諾を得ることが困難である場合
  4. 国の機関若しくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合で、ご本人の同意を得ることによりその事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
  5. 当該第三者が学術研究機関等である場合であって、当該第三者が当該個人データを学術研究目的で取り扱う必要がある場合(当該個人データを取り扱う目的の一部が学術研究目的である場合を含み、個人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除く)

6. 個人情報の委託について


7. 個人情報の共同利用について


Randstad N.V.(ランスタッドグループ本社)
東京都千代田区紀尾井町4-1 ニューオータニガーデンコート21F
猿谷 哲
Randstad Global IT Solutions b.v.(ランスタッドグループ会社)
東京都千代田区紀尾井町4-1 ニューオータニガーデンコート21F
猿谷 哲

8. 日本国外への移転について



9. 「開示等の求め」に応じる手続きに関する事項について

(1)弊社では、ご本人から個人情報の利用目的の通知、開示(第三者への個人情報の提供記録に関するものを含みます。)、訂正、追加又は削除、利用の停止、消去及び第三者への提供の停止(以下「開示等」という。)の求めに対し、以下の手続きに従って応じさせていただきます。 ただし、個人情報保護法その他の法令により、弊社が前記求めに応じる義務を負わない場合を除きます。



  1. ご本人又は第三者の生命、身体、財産その他権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
  2. 当該事業者の業務の適正な実施に著しく支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
  3. 法令に違反することとなる場合


10. 本人が容易に認識できない方法による個人情報の取得について

サイト利用者が弊社のウェブサイトまたは弊社のアプリにアクセスすることで、弊社は利用者のコンピュータの識別情報や、訪問履歴等を収集します。 この情報を収集するために、弊社ではクッキーを使用しています。
クッキーとは、利用者が弊社のウェブサイトを訪問する際にデバイスに保存される小さなテキストファイルのことを指します。 クッキーを使用することで、ウェブサイトは利用者の行動や好みを記憶したり、再訪問を認識したりできるため、利用者の操作プロセスを加速化し、サイト利用をより効率的なものにし、傾向を分析し、関心を持つ分野を判断し、ウェブサイトを管理することができます。これらには、利用者を特定・識別する情報は一切含まれておりません。 ただし、弊社のレポートまたは調査報告書などをダウンロードする場合や、ニュースレターのニュース、イベント、通知を購読する場合、また、お問い合わせの場合で、氏名、Eメールアドレス、役職、会社などの情報をフォームへ記入された場合、弊社は、利用者のデバイス、ブラウザ、利用者のウェブサイトのページ遷移・閲覧ページに関して、個人情報と関連付けることが可能となります。



11. 「苦情」等の受付窓口に関する事項

ランスタッド株式会社 個人情報担当 電子メール:privacy@randstad.co.jp

12. サービス利用登録の取消(弊社サービスにお申し込みいただいたご登録者のみ)


  1. ご本人から登録取り消しの申し出があったとき
  2. 弊社の「登録有効期限※」を経過したとき
    • 派遣登録有効期限は、ご登録から5年、(就業歴がある場合)退職後8年経過後の6月です。
  3. ご本人の責に帰すべき事由で雇用契約が終了した場合等で、弊社が必要と判断したとき
  4. 弊社での派遣、紹介、支援が困難である、または適当でないと弊社が判断したとき
  5. 故意又は過失により弊社、就業先、就業先関係者又は第三者に損害を与えたとき
  6. 反社会的勢力(暴力団及びその関係団体等)または経済制裁の対象者に該当する場合
  7. 弊社からの直接の連絡が困難となったとき
  8. 登録時・採用時の経歴・職能・資格詐称や虚偽の申告、弊社・就業先もしくは就業先関係者に不利益を与える行為、弊社業務への妨げ等により、弊社に損害を発生させたとき
  9. その他、就業規則に定める義務に違反したとき
  10. 幣社の提供するサービスが終了したとき

13. 損害賠償


  1. 登録時又は採用時に、経歴、職能、資格を詐称した場合、又はその他の事項について虚偽の申告をしたとき
  2. 弊社、就業先もしくは就業先関係者に不利益を与える行為、または名誉、信用を損なうような行為があったとき
  3. 弊社の業務の妨げとなる行為があったとき
  4. その他弊社が不適切と判断した行為があったとき

14. 事業者に関する事項

東京都千代田区紀尾井町4-1 ニューオータニガーデンコート21F
代表取締役社長 猿谷 哲

個人情報保護管理責任者 ランスタッド株式会社 リーガル&コンプライアンス本部 本部長


許可番号 13-ユ-010554

第1章 業務の運営に関する規程

  1. 当店は、いかなる求人の申込みについてもこれを受理します。ただし、その申込みの内容が法令に違反したり、賃金、労働時間等が通常の労働条件と比べて著しく不適当である場合、及び、若者雇用促進法により、公共職業安定所が求人不受理とすることができる求人者からの求人は受理しません。
  2. 求人の申込みは、求人者またはその代理人が直接来店されて、所定の求人票により、お申込み下さい。直接来店できないときは、郵送、電話、ファックス又は電子メールでも差し支えありません。
  3. 求人の申込みの際には、業務内容、賃金、労働時間、その他の雇用条件をあらかじめ書面の交付又は電子メールの使用により明示してください。ただし、紹介の実施について緊急の必要があるためあらかじめ書面の交付又は電子メールの使用による明示ができないときは、当該明示すべき事項をあらかじめこれら以外の方法により明示してください。
  1. 当店は、国内・(※1)全職種に関する限り、いかなる求職の申込みについてもこれを受理します。(※1東京本社については、「国内・」を「国内又は、インド共和国若しくはマレーシアとの国外にわたる」に読み替えて適用します。) ただし、その申込みの内容が法令※2に違反する場合には受理しません。  (※2東京本社については、「法令」を「国内、インド共和国又はマレーシアの法令」に読み替えて適用します。)
  2. 求職申込みは、本人が直接来店されて、所定の求職票によりお申込みください。(その際、資格・免許をお持ちの方は、免許証等をご提示ください。)直接来店できないときは、郵送、電話、ファックス又は電子メール等でも差し支えありません。
  3. 常に、日雇的又は臨時的な労働に従事することを希望される方は、当店に特別の登録をしておき、別に定める登録証の提示によって、求職申込みの手続きを省略致します。
  1. 求職の方には、職業安定法第2条にも規定される職業選択の自由の趣旨を踏まえ、その御希望と能力に応ずる職業に速やかに就くことができるよう極力お世話致します。
  2. 求人の方には、その御希望に適合する求職者を極力お世話致します。
  3. 紹介に際しては、求職の方に、紹介先において従事すべき業務の内容、賃金、労働時間等その他の雇用条件をあらかじめ書面の交付又は希望される場合には電子メールの使用により明示します。ただし、紹介の実施について緊急の必要があるため、あらかじめ書面の交付又は電子メールの使用による明示ができないときは、あらかじめそれ以外の方法により明示を行います。
  4. 求職の方を求人者に紹介する場合、必要に応じて紹介状を発行する場合がありますが、当該発行を受けた求職者は、その紹介状を持参して求人者へ行って頂きます。
  5. いったん求人、求職の申込みを受けた以上、責任をもって紹介の労をとります。
  6. 当店は、労働争議に対する中立の立場をとるため、同盟罷業又は作業所閉鎖の行われている間は求人者に紹介を致しません。
  7. 就職が決定しましたら求人された方または関係雇用主から別表の手数料表に基づき、紹介手数料を申し受けます。
  1. 当店は、職業安定機関及びその他の職業紹介事業者と連携を図りつつ、当該事業に係る求職者等からの苦情があった場合は、迅速、適切に対応いたします。
  2. 雇用関係が成立しましたら、求人者、求職者両方から当支店に対して、その報告をしてください。また、紹介されたにもかかわらず、雇用関係が成立しなかったときにも同様に報告してください。さらに、求人者は、雇用関係(期間の定めのない雇用に限る)成立後、6ヶ月以内に離職(解雇の場合を除く。)した場合は、当店に報告してください。
  3. 当店は、求職者又は求人者から知り得た個人的な情報は個人情報管理規程に基づき、適正に取り扱います。
  4. 当店は、求職者又は求人者に対し、その申込みの受理、面接、指導、紹介等の業務について、人種、国籍、信条、性別、社会的身分、門地、従前の職業、労働組合の組合員であること等を理由として差別的な取扱いは一切致しません。
  5. 当店の取扱職種の範囲等は、国内・全職種です。
  6. 当店の業務の運営に関する規定は、以上の通りでありますが、当店の業務は、すべて職業安定法関係法令及び通達に基づいて運営されていますので、ご不審な点は係員に詳しくおたずねください。

第2章 個人情報適正管理規程

  1. 個人情報を取り扱う事業所内の職員の範囲は、事業所の職員とする。個人情報取扱責任者は支店長又はマネージャーとする。
  2. 職業紹介責任者は、個人情報を取り扱う1に記載する事業所内の職員に対し、個人情報取扱いに関する教育・指導を年1回実施することとする。また、職業紹介責任者は、少なくとも5年に1回は職業紹介責任者講習会を受講するものとする。
  3. 職業紹介責任者は個人情報を取り扱う前1条に記載する担当社員に対し、個人情報の取扱いに関する教育・指導を年1回実施することとする。また、職業紹介責任者は少なくとも5年に1回は紹介責任者研修会を受講し、個人情報の保護に関する事項等の知識・情報を得るよう努めることとする。
  4. 求職者等の個人情報に関して、当該情報に係る本人からの苦情の申出があった場合については、苦情処理担当者は誠意を持って適切な処理をすることとする。なお、個人情報の取扱いに係る苦情処理の担当者は、支店長又はマネージャーとする。




手数料負担者は 求人者 とします。
手数料負担者は 求人者 とします。
着手金 :10,000,000円


手数料負担者は 求人者 とします


手数料負担者は 関係雇用主 とします
  • 上記手数料は消費税が含まれていません。


  1. 入社後1ヶ月以内に離職の場合は80%以内の金額
  2. 入社後3ヶ月以内に離職の場合は50%以内の金額
  3. 入社後6ヶ月以内に離職の場合は30%以内の金額


Handling of Personal Information

(Items disclosed in accordance with requirements of Personal Information Protection Management System - JISQ15001:2017)

1. Purpose of use of personal information

Randstad K.K. (hereinafter referred to as Randstad) uses personal information to be collected for the following purposes:

(1) Personal information to be collected for temporary staffing and other employment or placement related services: name, contact information (address, telephone number, cellphone number and e-mail address etc.), date of birth, sex, resume, information on skills, professional career, academic background, related information (photo, interview record and personal information included in cover letter), current annual income, type of employment, personal identification number such as My Number, pension number and employment insurance number if legally necessary, interview video related to registration for recruitment, information related to identification documents, photo for registration, bank account information, information related to salary, attendance and evaluation, car information (number plate, driver license and driving record etc.), information on family such as emergency contact number and supporter information, information on identity verification document, security camera video, information obtained for facilities security (name, contact information, car number plate and identification card etc.).

  1. Registration
  2. Recruiting (selection, hiring)
  3. Application, reservation, etc. for various services provided by Randstad
  4. Providing information on job opportunities, campaigns, events, seminars, and distributing mail magazines
  5. Providing information to potential employers and/or users
  6. Providing information on new human resource services (temporary staffing, placement and others)
  7. Termination or cancellation of services
  8. Surveys to help Randstad improve our services by collecting and analyzing feedback
  9. Responding to inquiries or complaints and keeping a record of correspondences
  10. For labor and safety management, benefits, education and training, etc.
  11. Procedures for compliance with domestic and international sanctions laws and other legal and regulatory obligations, and procedures required under related laws and regulations, etc.
  12. Monitoring and proper enforcement of compliance with Randstad's policies and procedures
  13. Correspondences necessary for contact and transmission of materials, etc., related to above procedures and notice.
  14. Accurate recording and confirmation of the contents of inquiries and communications, and use for service quality improvement
  15. Purposes of use described in "Purposes of use by persons with whom we share information" at the following joint use parties

(2) Personal information of business partners: name, e-mail address, telephone number, cellphone number, gender, information related to business such as job title, place of work and department, responses to questionnaires, etc.

  1. To reply to consultations, inquiries, orders, etc. regarding various services provided by Randstad
  2. To send information on Randstad's various services, notices of seminars, etc., and materials, etc.
  3. To reply to opinions, requests, etc. regarding services
  4. To manage transactions and conduct sales activities
  5. To create statistical data such as questionnaires, requests, and inquiries for the purpose of improving our services
  6. Procedures for compliance with domestic and international sanctions laws and other legal and regulatory obligations, and procedures required under related laws and regulations, etc.

(3) Personal information of those who apply to our various schools: name, telephone number, cellphone number, gender, address, date of birth, etc.

    1. Reservations for course and exam applications
    2. Contact regarding reservation procedures
    3. Conduct of business

(4) Personal information of those applying for employment with us: name, contact information (address, telephone number, cellphone number, email address, etc.), date of birth, gender, resume, curriculum vitae, information regarding skills, experience and education, other relevant information (such as photographs included in cover letters, interview transcripts, personal information, etc.), current compensation and employment status, information regarding identification documents, etc.

  1. Selection, various procedures, notices and communications related to employment and responses to inquiries
  2. Procedures for compliance with domestic and international sanctions laws and other legal and regulatory obligations, and procedures required under related laws and regulations, etc.
  3. Monitoring and proper enforcement of compliance with Randstad's policies and procedures

(5) Personal information from (1) through (4) above

  1. 1 Accurate recording and confirmation of the contents of inquiries and communications, and use for service quality improvement
  2. Purposes of use described in "Purposes of use by persons with whom we share information" at the following joint use parties

2. Submission of personal information

Submission of personal information is discretionary. However, if required personal information is not provided, the owner of such personal information may not be able to receive the services provided by Randstad. Personal information submitted to Randstad will not be returned, irrespective of the form of media.

3. Submission of personal information requiring special care

Randstad may request the submission of documents containing personal information requiring special care (e.g. a copy of disability certificate) and information related to health such as injury, danger, incident report, disability, disease, absence and maternity leave when necessary for the purposes set forth in section 1 (1), (4) above.

4. Personal information protection measures (measures taken for security management)

Randstad takes appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration or leakage, etc. of personal information received by Randstad.

  1. Determination of internal rule related to handling, person in charge and responsibility and periodical review of such internal rule
  2. Establishment of organizational structure including appointment of manager, determination of role and reporting system
  3. Periodical self-check and audit
  4. Periodical seminar for employees and preparing non-disclosure agreement and work rule
  5. Introduction of protection system from interruption of input, interference or falsification
  6. Use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for protection from interference of input, interference or falsification
  7. Research for foreign rules on personal information protection in case of handling personal data abroad
  8. Proper disposal of equipment containing personal data and management for prevention of theft
  9. Management of enter/exit of areas handling personal information
  10. Scope of access control and verification of person accessing information

5. Provision of personal information

Randstad may provide received personal information via document, e-mail or oral communication to the extent necessary for provision of our service and purpose of use after confirming with the relevant person.

(1) Person seeking for job (user of recruitment and placement services for temporary staffing or other employment type)

Personal information to be provided
Age, sex, academic background, professional career, skills, current employment, desired work conditions and other information necessary for employment placement Note: Information for temporary staffing will be provided only to the extent of work capacity and skills.
Purpose of provision
Provision of information for interview and determination of employment
Companies receiving information
Companies seeking workers

(2) Person who is working or decided to work (workers of temporary staffing or other type of employment)

Personal information to be provided
    1. Name, emergency contact number, address, nearest station, age, sex, photo, shift and work conditions, other work information or information necessary for performance of contract between Randstad and client
    2. Name, date of birth, age, gender, health information (results of medical examinations and stress checks, work conditions, etc.) and other employee health information
Purpose of provision
    • Provision of information on behalf of the relevant person necessary for facility management (admission card, agreement for use of facility, issuance of ID for use of system and provision of business card etc.) and management of safe and health (preparation of emergency contact list) by client
    • Management of work conditions (shift table and list to be used by client) and management of claim (provision of evidence for transportation expense to be claimed against client)
    • Performance of contract (provision of information of responsible person (team leader), list of workers, shift table, identity verification and confirmation letter) if provided in consignment contract
    • To book and conduct medical examinations for employees
    • Stress checks and interviews with industrial physicians
    • Management of the results of each of the above conductions
Companies receiving information
    1. Client
      Note: Personal information may be reviewed by employees of Randstad who work for the same client.
    2. Health insurance societies, medical institutions conducting medical examinations, health management tools and industrial physicians who are engaged in interviews through such tools

Randstad may provide received personal information to a third party after confirming with the relevant person. However, in the following cases, the data may be provided to third parties (including third parties located abroad) without the consent of the relevant person. In such cases, the Randstad will give due consideration to the rights and interests of the person concerned.

    1. Cases in which the handling of personal information is based on laws and regulations (including notifying the counterparty in accordance with the Worker Dispatching Act)
    2. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    3. Cases in which the handling of personal information is specially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
    4. Cases in which the handling of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state organ, a local government, or an individual or a business operator entrusted by either of the former two in executing the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and in which obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of the affairs concerned
    5. Cases in which the third party is an academic research organization, etc., and the third party needs to handle the personal data for academic research purposes (including where part of the purpose of handling the personal data is for academic research purposes, except where there is a risk of unjustified infringement of individual rights and interests)/li>

6. Consignment of personal information

In order to provide seamless service, Randstad may outsource processing of whole or a part of received personal information to external parties. However, in such occasions, Randstad will execute a personal information protection agreement with the processors that have met the personal information protection management standard defined by Randstad and ensure that proper management and supervision are in place.

7. Joint use of personal information

Randstad may jointly utilize received personal information within the scope provided as follows. For transfers outside Japan in connection with joint use, please refer to section 8 "Transfer of personal information outside of Japan".

Type of personal information to be used jointly
name, date of birth, physical address, email address, telephone number, academic background, professional career and transaction history with Randstad
Joint user
Randstad N.V. (Randstad Group headquarter)
Randstad group companies
Purpose of use by joint user
Analysis of attributes and questionnaire results, creation of statistical data and marketing data for improving the services of Randstad Group company
Name and address of Pparty responsible for controlling the personal information for joint use
New Otani Garden Court 21F, Kioicho 4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Randstad K.K.
Name of representative of the party responsible for controlling the personal information above
Satoshi Saruya
Method of collection of personal information for joint use
in writing, via electronic data such as email, telephone or interview
Type of personal information to be used jointly
name, date of birth, physical address, email address, telephone number, academic background, professional career and transaction history with Randstad
Joint user
Randstad Global IT Solutions b.v. (Randstad Group company)
Purpose of use by joint user
maintenance and management of information systems used by employees of Randstad group companies
Name and address of Pparty responsible for controlling the personal information for joint use
New Otani Garden Court 21F, Kioicho 4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Randstad K.K.
Name of representative of the party responsible for controlling the personal information above
Satoshi Saruya
Method of collection of personal information for joint use
in writing, via electronic data such as emails, telephone or interview

8. Transfer of personal information outside of Japan

(1) Randstad takes necessary and appropriate measures in compliance with the laws and regulations in case of providing the received personal information to foreign third parties including contractors and joint users.

(2) Other than the transfer of personal information outside of Japan for joint use set forth in Section 7, Randstad may transfer personal information to companies with their place of business outside of Japan for the purpose of facilitating our business operations, including personnel and labor-related operations, and for data maintenance. Please refer to this (https://www.randstad.co.jp/privacy-policy/data-transfers/) for information on personal information protection laws and regulations regarding countries to which personal information will be transferred.

9. Procedure to respond to requests for disclosure of personal information

(1) Randstad will respond to requests for notification, disclosure (including record of provision of personal information to a third party), correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of disclosure to third parties ("Requests for Disclosure, etc.") pursuant to the procedure described below. However, this excludes cases in which Randstad is under no obligation to respond to the aforementioned request due to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws and regulations.

(2) Procedure for Request for Disclosure, etc.
For disclosure requests, please contact the relevant branch or the contact person of the business division or relevant registration desk.

(3) Randstad may decline to respond to requests for disclosure in the following cases.

  1. Instances where such disclosure may harm the life, body or property of the owner of personal information or any third person
  2. Instances where such disclosure may cause material disruption in proper implementation of Randstad's business operation
  3. Instances where such disclosure may constitute a violation of laws and regulations

(4) "Purpose of use" for personal information obtained through "Requests for Disclosure, etc."
Personal information obtained through "Requests for Disclosure, etc." will be handled within the scope necessary for responding to "Requests for Disclosure, etc." The document submitted for "Requests for Disclosure, etc." will be stored for 3 years after the completion of response and discarded thereafter.

10. Obtaining personal information via a method where the information owner cannot easily be identified

Randstad will collect identity information of user's computer and access record when a user accesses our website or apps. Randstad uses Cookies to collect this information. Cookies are small text files stored on user's device upon a user accessing our website. Cookies enable our website to record the user's activity and preference, recognize revisit, accelerate the user's operation process, make the use of our website more efficient, analyze inclination, recognize areas of interest, thereby Randstad may be able to manage our website. Cookies do not include information that can identify the user.

However, Randstad will be able to relate the personal information to the user's device, browser, user's browsing record of our website if the user downloads our report or investigation report, if the user subscribes news of our newsletter, event or notice or if the user enters in inquiry form information such as name, e-mail address, title or company. Please note that although user can refuse to accept Cookies by browser setting the user will not be able to use a part of function of our website. For more information about the use of Cookies, please refer to Randstad Cookie Policy ( https://www.randstad.co.jp/cookies/).

Google Ads Extended Conversion

Randstad may obtain data related to the user's personal information (e-mail address, phone number, etc.) and provide (send) it in hashed (irreversibly and irregularly converted) form to the advertising service provider, in a form that does not identify the individual, for the purposes of delivery of advertisements tailored to the user's interests and concerns and for improving the accuracy of measuring advertising effectiveness. The advertising service provider will not use the information sent from Randstad for any purpose other than for delivering advertisements and measuring the effectiveness of advertisements. For information on the advertising service provider and to disable the delivery of advertisements, please refer to the following:


11. Contact for "Complaints"

Please contact the relevant branch or contact person of the business division, the relevant registration desk, the following address for complaints regarding handling of personal information (including security management measures for personal data kept by Randstad).
Randstad K.K. Personal Information Contact Email account:privacy@randstad.co.jp

12. Cancellation of service registration (applicable only to applicants/registrants of Randstad's services)

Randstad may cancel registration status of any registrants falling under any of the following cases. However, Randstad will keep personal information to the extent necessary for legal obligation, dispute or lawsuit.

  1. The registrant requests cancellation of registration.
  2. The "registration period" set by Randstad has expired.
    • The registration period for temporary staffing expires after 5 years from the date of registration. If there is a record of employment, then the registration period expires after 8 years in the month of June. In cases where the registration information has been updated due to job application or request to change registered information within one year of expiration, cancellation takes place a year later in June.
  3. In the event that the employment contract is terminated due to a cause attributable to the registrant and Randstad determined that it is necessary.
  4. Randstad has determined that provision of temporary staffing, placement and support services is difficult or not appropriate for the candidate.
  5. The registrant caused damages to Randstad, its client, a concerned party at the client or a third party through intentional act or negligence.
  6. In the event that the registrant is involved in anti-social forces (such as organized crime groups and their related organizations) or is subject to economic sanctions.
  7. Randstad is unable to make direct contact with the registrant.
  8. In the event that Randstad suffers damage due to misrepresentation of background, skills, or qualifications, false declaration at the time of registration or hiring, conduct that is detrimental to Randstad, the employer, or persons associated with the employer, or interference with Randstad's business operations.
  9. The registrant violated the employee obligations stipulated in the employment rules.
  10. In the event of termination of our services

13. Claim for damages

Randstad may claim compensation for damages in the event that the registrant has made untrue declarations regarding her/his background, job performance, qualifications, or other matters at the time of registration or employment, or has failed to notify Randstad of changes in these matters in a timely manner, and caused damages to Randstad or third party.

14. Information about business operator

Randstad K.K.
New Otani Garden Court 21F, Kioicho 4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Satoshi Saruya

Personal information protection management officer: Head of Legal and Compliance Division, Randstad K.K.

Operational Regulations

License No.13-ユ-010554
Randstad K.K.

1. Job Offering

(1) Our office accepts any job posting applications for all types of jobs in Japan.However, our office does not accept any applications whose content is in violation of laws and regulations, or if the employment conditions, such as wages or working hours, are significantly inappropriate compared to standard employment conditions, or if the employment conditions are in violation of certain labor laws or regulations (such as the Labor Standards Act or the Employment Security Act), or if an application has been made by an organized crime group, etc.

(2) An application for job posting needs to be filed by a company offering a job or their agent by visiting our office and filling in a prescribed job offer sheet. If a job offeror or their agent cannot come to our office, they may contact us by mail, phone, fax, email, etc.

(3)When applying for a job posting, a job offeror needs to specify in advance the relevant job description, wages, working hours and other employment conditions by issuing a written document or sending a fax, an email, etc. If a job offeror needs to post a job urgently and cannot specify the aforementioned conditions in advance in writing or via fax, email, etc., those conditions must be specified in advance by methods other than those mentioned above.

2. Job Hunting

(1)Our office accepts any job applications for all types of jobs in Japan(*1). (*1. Regarding Tokyo Head Office, the term "in Japan" shall read "in Japan, the Republic of India or Malaysia.") However, our office does not accept any applications whose content is in violation of laws and regulations*2.
(*2. Regarding Tokyo Head Office, the term "laws and regulations" shall read "the laws and regulations of Japan, the Republic of India or Malaysia.")

(2) A job application needs to be filed by a job seeker by visiting our office and filling in a prescribed job application sheet.
(Please present your licenses and certificates of qualification if you have any.)
If a job seeker cannot come to our office, the job seeker may contact us by mail, phone, fax, email, etc.

(3) If a job seeker is only seeking daily employment or temporary jobs, the job seeker may apply for special registration with our office, and our office will omit job application procedures when the job seeker presents a separately prescribed registration certificate.

3. Job Placement Service

(1) We will do our utmost to assist job seekers in finding a job in a speedy manner according to their requests and ability, taking into consideration the purport of the freedom to choose an occupation provided for in Article 2 of the Employment Security Act.

(2) We will do our utmost to assist employers in finding job seekers that they desire.

(3) When helping a job seeker find work, our office will specify to the job seeker in advance the description of work at a potential employer, wages, working hours and other employment conditions in writing or, if requested, via email. If our office needs to urgently provide a job seeker with vacancy information and cannot specify the aforementioned conditions in advance in writing or via email, our office will specify those conditions in advance by methods other than those mentioned above.

(4) When referring a job seeker to a job offeror, our office may issue a reference letter as needed. When the job seeker visits the job offeror, the job seeker needs to carry the reference letter with them.

(5) Once our office accepts a job posting application or a job application, our office will dedicate itself to matching job seekers and employers with a strong sense of responsibility.

(6) In order to maintain neutrality in labor disputes, our office will not refer job seekers to a business if a strike or lockout is going on at that business.

(7) When we successfully place a job seeker with an employer, our office will charge placement fees to the job offeror or the employer concerned, in accordance with the attached fee schedule.

4. Miscellaneous

(1) If our office receives a complaint from a job seeker or other person with respect to a job placement service, our office will handle the complaint in a swift and appropriate manner in coordination with employment security agencies and other job placement businesses.

(2) When an employment relationship is entered into between a job seeker and a job offeror, both the job seeker and the job offeror need to notify our office. A job seeker and a job offeror also need to notify our office if the job seeker is referred to the job offeror, but the job offeror does not hire the job seeker. If a job seeker enters into an employment relationship (limited to indefinite-term employment relationships) and leaves employment (excluding dismissal) within six months thereafter, the job seeker's employer needs to notify our office.

(3) Our office properly handles any personal information that it may learn from job seekers or job offerors in accordance with our Personal Information Management Regulations.

(4) When providing job information, etc. through advertisement, etc., our office will not provide false or misunderstanding information. In order to keep such information accurate and up to date, our office will take measures without delay if the relevant job offeror or job seeker, etc. requests our office to stop providing or revise such information, or if our office confirms that such information is not accurate or up to date. Our office will also either periodically confirm with job seekers and job offerors whether such information is up to date, or specify the time when such information will be provided.

(5) When accepting applications, conducting interviews, offering guidance or job referral, or performing other services, our office will not discriminate against any job seekers or job offerors by reason of their race, nationality, beliefs, sex, social status, ancestry, previous occupations, union membership, etc.

(6) Our office offers all types of jobs in Japan.

(7) This is the end of our Operational Regulations. Our office conducts all of its activities in compliance with laws, regulations and notifications related to the Employment Security Act. If you have any questions, please contact our staff for clarification.

Regulations for Proper Management of Personal Information

Randstad K.K.

(1) Scope of the office employees authorized to handle the personal information shall be the employees of the office. The person responsible for handling personal information shall be the General Manager of the branch or the manager.

(2) The person responsible for job placement shall provide the office employees authorized to handle the personal information as stipulated in Section 1 with the training and guidance for handling the personal information once a year. Also, the person responsible for job placement shall attend a training session for persons responsible for job placement at least once every five years.

(3) If requested to disclose the personal information by a person to which such information pertains, the information handler shall disclose the information without delay in accordance with the objective facts, including the qualifications and occupational experiences of such person, as requested. Additionally, if requested to correct (or delete; this applies hereinafter as well) the information in accordance with such facts, the information handler shall correct the information without delay if the request is consistent with the objective facts. The person responsible for job placement shall exert efforts to keep job seekers, etc. informed of the handling relating to the disclosure or correction of personal information.

(4) If any complaint is lodged by a job seeker, etc. in relation to his/her personal information, the person in charge of processing complaints shall process such complaint appropriately and in good faith. The person in charge of processing complaints relating to handling of the personal information shall be the General Manager of the branch or the manager.

Fee Schedule

Type and contents of services
Amount and payer of charges
Service to refer a job seeker to a job offeror after accepting a job posting application
Contingent fee:
(In the case of an introduction concerning an employment contract without term) 100% of the wage payable for one year after the job seeker is employed (i.e. the amount specified in a letter of informal appointment or a notice of work conditions)
(In the case of an introduction concerning an employment contract with fixed term)
100% of the amount equal to 12 months' wages payable during the term of employment after the job seeker is employed (i.e. the amount specified in a letter of informal appointment or a notice of work conditions)
The charge shall be paid by the job offeror.
Professional consultation and advice for a job offeror to facilitate a successful job posting application
Contingent fee: 100% of the amount equal to 12 months' wages payable after the job seeker is employed (i.e. the amount specified in a letter of informal appointment or a notice of work conditions)
The charge shall be paid by the job offeror.
To find special job seekers under specified conditions and to study and search to this end
Start-up fee: 10,000,000 yen
Per day of activity: 50,000 yen
Contingent fee:
(In the case of an introduction concerning an employment contract without term)
100% of the wage payable for one year after the job seeker is employed (i.e. the amount specified in a letter of informal appointment or a notice of work conditions)
(In the case of an introduction concerning an employment contract with fixed term)
100% of the amount equal to 12 months' wages payable during the term of employment after the job seeker is employed (i.e. the amount specified in a letter of informal appointment or a notice of work conditions)
The charge shall be paid by the job offeror.
Professional consultation and advice for a job seeker to facilitate a successful employment
Start-up fee: 1,000,000 yen
At the conclusion of consultation and advice: 0 yen
Contingent fee;
(In the case of an introduction concerning an employment contract without term)
50% of the wage payable for one year after the job seeker is employed (i.e. the amount specified in a letter of informal appointment or a notice of work conditions)
(In the case of an introduction concerning an employment contract with fixed term)
50% of the amount equal to 12 months' wages payable during the term of employment after the job seeker is employed (i.e. the amount specified in a letter of informal appointment or a notice of work conditions)
The charge shall be paid by a relevant employer.
*Consumption tax is not included in the above charges.

Refund System

We have a system to refund the placement fees paid by a job offeror in accordance with the following conditions if the job offeror employs a job seeker through our job placement service and the employed person resigns from his/her job due to personal circumstances or is dismissed by reasons attributable to him/her.

  1. Amount equal to no more than 80% if the person resigns within one month after joining the company
  2. Amount equal to no more than 50% if the person resigns within three months after joining the company
  3. Amount equal to no more than 30% if the person resigns within six months after joining the company


最終更新日:2024年10月/ Last updated: Oct. 2024.
