当社は公共性の高い人材サービス事業を営む企業として、個人情報の保護を最も重要な社会的責務と捉え、すべての事業で取扱う個人情報及び従業員等の個人情報(個人番号及び特定個人情報を含む)の取扱いに関し、日本工業規格(JIS Q15001)に準拠した個人情報保護マネジメントシステムを確立し、以下の方針に基づき個人情報の保護に取り組みます。
【ランスタッド株式会社 リーガル&コンプライアンス本部 個人情報担当】
制定日:平成16年 2月2日
代表取締役社長 猿谷 哲
◆プライバシーマークとは◆ 一般財団法人 日本情報経済社会推進協会が運用する「プライバシーマーク制度」に基づき、個人情報について適切な保護措置を講ずる体制を整備していると認められる事業者に対し、その旨を示すために付与されるマークです。
As a company providing high public-value human resources services, we consider the protection of personal information to be our most important social responsibility. We have implemented a personal information protection management system in compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS Q15001) for the handling of personal information in all of our business activities, including the personal information of our employees, such as My Numbers and Specific Personal Information. We are committed to protecting personal information in accordance with the following policies:
Operation and Management of the Personal Information Protection Management System
To effectively implement and operate our personal information protection management system, we have appointed a Personal Information Protection Management Officer, who is assigned specific roles, responsibilities and authority. In addition, to ensure that all employees are fully aware of the implemented procedures, we have documented those procedures and provide regular training.
Acquisition, Use and Provision of Personal Information
When acquiring or using personal information, we clearly specify the purpose of use and ensure that personal information is handled only to the extent necessary to achieve the specific purpose. We do not use personal information beyond its intended purpose (unauthorized use) and take measures to prevent such unauthorized use. Personal information will not be provided to third parties without the consent of the individual, except where required by law or other legal justifications.
Respect for the Individual Rights
We respect the rights of individuals who provide us with their personal information. We respond within a reasonable period of time to requests for disclosure, correction, or deletion of their own personal information, or inquiries or complaints. However, we may not be able to respond to requests concerning information that could significantly interfere with the proper implementation of our business, such as information related to personnel evaluations or hiring decisions.
Appropriate and Secure Management of Personal Information
We manage personal information appropriately and take measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss or damage. We are committed to ensuring the security of personal information.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We comply with laws and regulations, guidelines, and other standards set by the government, concerning the handling of personal information.
Continuous Improvement of the Personal Information Protection Management System
To maintain the appropriate protection of personal information, we regularly review the operation of the personal information protection management system to maintain and improve its effectiveness, ensuring the continued protection of personal information.
Handling of Complaints and Inquiries
We have implemented a system to promptly and appropriately respond to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.
For inquiries regarding our privacy policy, please contact:
Personal Information Protection Officer, Legal & WHS Division, Randstad K.K.
E-mail: privacy@randstad.co.jp
Date of Establishment: February 2, 2004
Date of Last Revision: November 24, 2022
Randstad K.K.
President and Representative Director,Satoshi Saruya
Randstad Japan K.K. has been certified to use the Privacy Mark.
◆What is the Privacy Mark?◆
The Privacy Mark is a certification for companies that have been recognized as having systems in place to take appropriate measures to protect personal information, based on the "Privacy Mark System" operated by the Japan Information Processing Development Corporation.