(English follows)
代表取締役会長 兼 CEO
代表取締役社長 兼 COO
猿谷 哲
Dear Client,
We understand that many of you are concerned for you and your family's safety with the increasing report on the Novel Coronavirus (ēCOVID-19).
Driven by our core values, at Randstad, we strive for a safe and healthy working environment for all. This also means we stand by you, proactively look ahead and transmit the information with transparency.
We therefore want to reassure you that Randstad is taking all precautionary measures necessary and useful according to the indications provided by Public Authorities, to protect all workers, our customers and the people we come into contact with every day.
At this delicate moment, Randstad guarantees the continuity of its activities. We will continue to provide support utilizing our tech & touch, keeping physical distance whilst maintaining our human touch in order to support you as best we can in this dire time. This is to ensure your safety as well as our employees and the society.
We remind you that your Randstad representatives will continue to support you to meet your needs, please feel free to contact us. We will provide continuous services for your needs with the exception of some of the branches which are closed in compliance with ministerial indications.
With the rapid spread of the coronavirus, many organizations are encouraging employees to work from home as much as possible.The less we're all gathering around in offices, the less likely we are to spread the infection. Social distance is needed to protect our health.
You may be experiencing difficulties in managing remote work.We believe redefinining work is significant in sustaining the business. We would like to share some tips and best practices.
These are some tips which might be useful for you and your employees.
How to be Inclusive When You're working Remote
Randstad Japan fully supports the clients and staffs and their family and all.
Best regards,
Kajetan Slonina
Chairman and CEO
Satoshi Saruya
President and COO