L3 Support Engineer @Global Marketing Company
- 給与
- 年収 600 〜 1,000万円
- 職種
- 運用、保守、監視、テクニカルサポート
- 勤務地
- 東京23区,東京23区外
L3 Support Engineer | Infra (Network & Server Support).
Looking for a highly skilled IT Support / Support Engineer to manage Internal TechSupport (L3), supporting employees and teams in all matters related to IT Infrastructure (Networks and Servers)
Leading global marketing company.
Very friendly and experienced workforce and leadership team.
Very flexible workstyle (work-from-home) options, and extensive e-learning and recertification support.
Opportunity to utilize both English and Japanese on a daily basis; work closely with local and global stakeholders.
*Business level Japanese and English required
Please share your resume (English and/or Japanese) for more details, including company name.
- こんな方を求めています
- 経験・スキル
- Responsibilities:
・Plan, design and document Server and Network changes
・Design, test, and implement protocol if/when necessary
・Stakeholder management in Japanese and English
Key requirements:
・3+ years of L3 Support
Experience in Network and Servers
・Experience supporting End Users in Japanese and English
・Strong communication and collaboration skills (work closely with IT Security, IT Support, Cloud and Engineer)
・Japanese - fluent (JLPT N1, or equivalent)
・English - business level (oral and written) - 学歴
- 大学卒業以上
- 募集要項
- 職種
- 運用、保守、監視、テクニカルサポート
- 給与
- 年収 600 〜 1,000万円
- 賞与
- 25%
- 雇用形態
- 正社員
- 雇用期間
- 期間の定めなし
- 就業時間
- 09:00~18:00
- 休日休暇
- 土曜日 日曜日 祝日
- 保険
- 健康保険 厚生年金保険 雇用保険,健康保険
- 受動喫煙防止措置
- 敷地内禁煙
- 特長
- 外資系企業, フレックスタイム制, 年間休日120日以上, 完全週休2日制, 土日祝休み, 語学力を活かす
- 業種
- ソフトウェア・情報処理