Handling of Personal Information

(Items disclosed in accordance with requirements of Personal Information Protection Management System - JISQ15001:2017)

1. Purpose of use of personal information

Randstad K.K. (hereinafter referred to as Randstad) uses personal information to be collected for the following purposes:

(1) Personal information to be collected for temporary staffing and other employment or placement related services: name, contact information (address, telephone number, cellphone number and e-mail address etc.), date of birth, sex, resume, information on skills, professional career, academic background, related information (photo, interview record and personal information included in cover letter), current annual income, type of employment, personal identification number such as My Number, pension number and employment insurance number if legally necessary, interview video related to registration for recruitment, photo for registration, bank account information, information related to salary, attendance and evaluation, car information (number plate, driver license and driving record etc.), information on family such as emergency contact number and supporter information, information on identity verification document, security camera video, information obtained for facilities security (name, contact information, car number plate and identification card etc.).

  1. Registration
  2. Recruiting (selection, hiring)
  3. Application, reservation, etc. for various services provided by Randstad
  4. Providing information on job opportunities, campaigns, events, seminars, and distributing mail magazines
  5. Providing information to potential employers and/or users
  6. Providing information on new human resource services (temporary staffing, placement and others)
  7. Termination or cancellation of services
  8. Surveys to help Randstad improve our services by collecting and analyzing feedback
  9. Responding to inquiries or complaints and keeping a record of correspondences
  10. For labor and safety management, benefits, education and training, etc.
  11. Compliance with domestic and international sanction laws and other applicable laws
  12. Correspondences necessary for contact and transmission of materials related to above items
  13. "Purpose of use by joint users" specified under section 7 below

2. Submission of personal information

Submission of personal information is discretionary. However, if required personal information is not provided, the owner of such personal information may not be able to receive the services provided by Randstad. Personal information submitted to Randstad will not be returned, irrespective of the form of media.

3. Submission of personal information requiring special care

Randstad may request the submission of documents containing personal information requiring special care (e.g. a copy of disability certificate) and information related to health such as injury, danger, incident report, disability, disease, absence and maternity leave when necessary for the purposes set forth in section 1 (1) above.

4. Personal information protection measures (measures taken for security management)

Randstad takes appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration or leakage, etc. of personal information received by Randstad.

  1. Determination of internal rule related to handling, person in charge and responsibility and periodical review of such internal rule
  2. Establishment of organizational structure including appointment of manager, determination of role and reporting system
  3. Periodical self-check and audit
  4. Periodical seminar for employees and preparing non-disclosure agreement and work rule
  5. Introduction of protection system from interruption of input, interference or falsification
  6. Use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for protection from interference of input, interference or falsification
  7. Research for foreign rules on personal information protection in case of handling personal data abroad
  8. Proper disposal of equipment containing personal data and management for prevention of theft
  9. Management of enter/exit of areas handling personal information
  10. Scope of access control and verification of person accessing information

5. Provision of personal information

Randstad may provide received personal information via document, e-mail or oral communication to the extent necessary for provision of our service and purpose of use after confirming with the relevant person.

(1) Person seeking for job (user of recruitment and placement services for temporary staffing or other employment type)

Personal information to be provided
Age, sex, academic background, professional career, skills, current employment, desired work conditions and other information necessary for employment placement Note: Information for temporary staffing will be provided only to the extent of work capacity and skills.
Purpose of provision
Provision of information for interview and determination of employment
Companies receiving information
Companies seeking workers

(2) Person who is working or decided to work (workers of temporary staffing or other type of employment)

Personal information to be provided
Name, emergency contact number, address, nearest station, age, sex, photo, shift and work conditions, other work information or information necessary for performance of contract between Randstad and client
Purpose of provision
  • Provision of information on behalf of the relevant person necessary for facility management (admission card, agreement for use of facility, issuance of ID for use of system and provision of business card etc.) and management of safe and health (preparation of emergency contact list) by client
  • Management of work conditions (shift table and list to be used by client) and management of claim (provision of evidence for transportation expense to be claimed against client)

Performance of contract (provision of information of responsible person (team leader), list of workers, shift table, identity verification and confirmation letter) if provided in consignment contract

Companies receiving information
Note: Personal information may be reviewed by employees of Randstad who work for the same client.

Randstad may provide received personal information to a third party after confirming with the relevant person.

6. Consignment of personal information

In order to provide seamless service, Randstad may outsource processing of whole or a part of received personal information to external parties. However, in such occasions, Randstad will execute a personal information protection agreement with the processors that have met the personal information protection management standard defined by Randstad and ensure that proper management and supervision are in place.

7. Joint use of personal information

Randstad may jointly utilize received personal information within the scope provided as follows.

Type of personal information to be used jointly
name, date of birth, physical address, email address, telephone number, academic background, professional career and transaction history with Randstad
Joint user
Randstad N.V. (Randstad Group headquarter)
Randstad group companies
Purpose of use by joint user
analysis of attributes and questionnaire results, creation of statistical data and marketing data for improving the services of Randstad Group company
Name and address of party responsible for controlling the personal information for joint use
New Otani Garden Court 21F, Kioicho 4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Randstad K.K.
Name of representative of the party responsible for controlling the personal information above
Satoshi Saruya
Method of collection of personal information for joint use
in writing, via electronic data such as email, telephone or interview
Type of personal information to be used jointly
name, date of birth, physical address, email address, telephone number, academic background, professional career and transaction history with Randstad
Joint user
Randstad Global IT Solutions b.v. (Randstad Group company)
Purpose of use by joint user
maintenance and management of information systems used by employees of Randstad group companies
Name and address of party responsible for controlling the personal information for joint use
New Otani Garden Court 21F, Kioicho 4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Randstad K.K.
Name of representative of the party responsible for controlling the personal information above
Satoshi Saruya
Method of collection of personal information for joint use
in writing, via electronic data such as emails, telephone or interview

8. Transfer of personal information outside of Japan

(1) Randstad takes necessary and appropriate measures in compliance with the laws and regulations in case of providing the received personal information to foreign third parties including contractors and joint users.

(2) Other than the transfer of personal information outside of Japan for joint use set forth in Section 7, Randstad may transfer personal information to companies with their place of business outside of Japan for the purpose of facilitating our business operations, including personnel and labor-related operations, and for data maintenance. Since the country or business to which personal information will be transferred is currently being selected and cannot be specified, Randstad will make the necessary notifications, etc. in accordance with laws and regulations after the selection is made.

9. Procedure to respond to requests for disclosure of personal information

  1. Randstad will respond to requests for notification, disclosure (including record of provision of personal information to a third party), correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of disclosure to third parties ("Requests for Disclosure, etc.") pursuant to the procedure described below. However, this excludes cases in which Randstad is under no obligation to respond to the aforementioned request due to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws and regulations.
  2. Procedure for Request for Disclosure, etc.
    For disclosure requests, please contact the relevant branch or the contact person of the business division or relevant registration desk.
  3. Randstad may decline to respond to requests for disclosure in the following cases.
    1. Instances where such disclosure may harm the life, body or property of the owner of personal information or any third person
    2. Instances where such disclosure may cause material disruption in proper implementation of Randstad's business operation
    3. Instances where such disclosure may constitute a violation of laws and regulations
  4. "Purpose of use" for personal information obtained through "Requests for Disclosure, etc."
    Personal information obtained through "Requests for Disclosure, etc." will be handled within the scope necessary for responding to "Requests for Disclosure, etc." The document submitted for "Requests for Disclosure, etc." will be stored for 3 years after the completion of response and discarded thereafter.

10. Obtaining personal information via a method where the information owner cannot easily be identified

Randstad will collect identity information of user’s computer and access record when a user accesses our website or apps. Randstad uses Cookies to collect this information. Cookies are small text files stored on user’s device upon a user accessing our website. Cookies enable our website to record the user’s activity and preference, recognize revisit, accelerate the user’s operation process, make the use of our website more efficient, analyze inclination, recognize areas of interest, thereby Randstad may be able to manage our website. Cookies do not include information that can identify the user.
However, Randstad will be able to relate the personal information to the user’s device, browser, user’s browsing record of our website if the user downloads our report or investigation report, if the user subscribes news of our newsletter, event or notice or if the user enters in inquiry form information such as name, e-mail address, title or company.
Please note that although user can refuse to accept Cookies by browser setting the user will not be able to use a part of function of our website.

11. Contact for "Complaints"

Please contact the relevant branch or contact person of the business division, the relevant registration desk, the following address for complaints regarding handling of personal information (including security management measures for personal data kept by Randstad).
Randstad K.K. Personal Information Contact Email account:privacy@randstad.co.jp

12. Cancellation of registration (applicable only to applicants/registrants of Randstad's services)

Randstad may cancel registration status of any registrants falling under any of the following cases. However, Randstad will keep personal information to the extent necessary for legal obligation, dispute or lawsuit.

  1. The registrant requests cancellation of registration.
  2. The "registration period" set by Randstad has expired.
    • The registration period for temporary staffing expires after 5 years from the date of registration. If there is a record of employment, then the registration period expires after 8 years in the month of June. In cases where the registration information has been updated due to job application or request to change registered information within one year of expiration, cancellation takes place a year later in June.
  3. In the event that the employment contract is terminated due to a cause attributable to the registrant and Randstad determined that it is necessary.
  4. Randstad has determined that provision of temporary staffing, placement and support services is difficult or not appropriate for the candidate.
  5. The registrant caused damages to Randstad, its client, a concerned party at the client or a third party through intentional act or negligence.
  6. In the event that the registrant is involved in anti-social forces (such as organized crime groups and their related organizations) or is subject to economic sanctions.
  7. Randstad is unble to make direct contact with the registrant.
  8. In the event of any act causing damages set forth in “Claim for damages”
  9. The registrant violated the employee obligations stipulated in the employment rules.
  10. In the event of termination of our services

13. Claim for damages

Randstad may claim compensation for damages suffered by Randstad or a third party as a consequence of the act of any registrant.

  1. The registrant falsified his/her career, professional skills or qualification, or reported false information regarding other items at the time of registration or hiring.
  2. The registrant engaged in a behavior that would cause disadvantage or loss of honor or credibility of Randstad, its client or concerned party at the client.
  3. The registrant committed an act to hinder the operation of Randstad.
  4. The registrant committed an act deemed to be inappropriate by Randstad.

14. Information about business operator

Randstad K.K.
New Otani Garden Court 21F, Kioicho 4-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Satoshi Saruya

Personal information protection management officer: Head of Legal and Compliance Division, Randstad K.K.